For most, a motor vehicle collision represents a traumatic period in their life. Even a seemingly minor crash can have long lasting negative effects both physically and emotionally. Following a wreck, individuals will likely explore their legal options for recovering monetary compensation for the damages they have suffered.

Whether the driver or a passenger in an involved vehicle suffers an injury, it might be possible to recover monetary damages following the collision. While every situation is unique, there are generally four types of damages that could apply:

  • Injuries: Most commonly, the parties will seek monetary compensation based on the severity of the injuries they suffered in the collision. This compensation can include money allotted for medical treatment, a hospital stay, physical therapy or any prescription medication deemed necessary by medical professionals.
  • Lost wages: Serious injuries will likely keep affected vehicle occupants away from work for extended periods of time. While some might have the benefit of paid time off, others will simply be out of work while they heal. These individuals will likely seek compensation for lost wages.
  • Pain and suffering: Pain and suffering could relate to physical as well as mental effects after a collision. Elements such as chronic pain after a surgically repaired injury or sleep disturbances related to anxiety or depression can represent a diminishment in an individual’s quality of life.
  • Property damage: While various insurance policies will cover much of this cost, individuals might seek some level of monetary compensation related to property damage. This could be centered on compensation for a rental vehicle, repairs or the cost of a total vehicle replacement.

Depending on the types of vehicles involved and the speeds at which they were traveling, a collision can result in significant damage. Whether this damage is directly related to a destroyed vehicle or debilitating injuries, individuals are entitled to seek monetary compensation.


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