Illinois roadways are often dangerous places, especially intersections or busy, downtown areas. Maybe you’ve been battling bumper-to-bumper traffic in a daily commute to and from work for years. Then again, perhaps, you work from home and are glad you only have to get behind the wheel to run errands or travel by choice.

Either way, as a licensed driver, you know there are traffic laws and safety regulations in place to help you and drivers with whom you share the road to avoid collision. Such laws are also meant to help keep pedestrians safe. If a driver is negligent, and you suffer injury because of it, the road to recovery may present many challenges, especially if you have a skull fracture.

Blunt force trauma often results in severe injuries

If your head hits the dashboard, steering wheel or window in a collision, you might be immediately aware of an injury. On the other hand, the force of the impact could render you unconscious, in which case, you might not be aware of or remember anything that happened when you later regain consciousness.

There are several types of skull fracture, and symptoms of each are not always immediately apparent, which is why it’s so important to closely monitor your condition in the aftermath of a motor vehicle collision.

Symptoms that often point to skull fracture

Whether you were driving or riding as a passenger when another vehicle hit you or were traveling as a pedestrian, your scalp, head or brain may have suffered severe trauma upon impact. There are numerous symptoms that warrant immediate medical examination, especially if you experience them in the days or weeks that follow a collision.

Such symptoms include lingering fatigue or a feeling of confusion or grogginess. You’ll also want to let your doctor know if you’re having vision trouble, a lack of appetite or disrupted sleep patterns. It’s common to be upset or to have bad dreams after a collision, but if you are experiencing mood swings, irritability or trouble controlling your emotions, it could be a sign that you have suffered traumatic brain injury.

Healing from a skull fracture takes a long time

Depending on the severity of your injury, if you suffer a skull fracture in an Illinois motor vehicle collision, you might have to stay in the hospital for close monitoring for several days or longer. Beyond that, it wouldn’t be surprising if you’d have to take an extended leave of absence from work during recovery.

Skull fractures often heal, but it can take a long time. During recovery, you might experience severe head pain, light sensitivity or other uncomfortable symptoms. You’ll want to stay closely connected to a neurologist and medical support team who can help you alleviate symptoms and achieve as full a recovery as possible.

What about other types of damage?

The physical pain and cognitive problems associated with a collision-induced skull fracture are often only the tip of the iceberg regarding damages. It can take just as long to recover from the emotional trauma associated with your injuries, as well as economic distress you might encounter because of medical bills and other expenses stemming from the incident.

Illinois law allows recovering accident victims to seek restitution when driver negligence was a causal factor to their injuries.


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