Two individuals have sadly lost their lives in a motor vehicle collision in Illinois. The car crash took place early in the morning and involved a single motor vehicle. Sometimes, these types of car accidents take place as a result of driver negligence, in which case the driver may be held liable for any injuries or deaths resulting from the crash.

At about 2:30 a.m. on a recent Monday, police responded to reports about a rollover collision. According to police, a car carrying three males had driven up a berm. The car then collided with a tree before flipping over.

Authorities said that the driver of the car should fully recover following the crash. However, the car’s two passengers passed away in the collision. Police continued to investigate the cause of the crash.

The surviving loved ones of the two passengers who lost their lives in the crash may decide to file wrongful death claims against the driver of the car, seeking the reimbursement of financial damages. Liability has to be established before the civil court hearing the case, based upon a showing of intelligence. Only then can a judge decide claims for damages.

In a wrongful death claim that is fought successfully, the plaintiff may receive a monetary damage award to cover accident-related losses such as burial costs. In addition, damages may help to provide support for surviving dependents. No amount of money can undo the events leading to these types of car accidents in Illinois, but it may help the surviving loved ones to more easily move on from such an ordeal.


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