When people in the Greater Chicago area think about products liability claims and defective products, they probably think about airbags and baby cribs, items that have, in previous years, been defective, led to deaths and injuries and have been subject to recall.

However, while there are certainly numerous consumer goods that are pumped into the market each year, which may present a danger to people throughout the country, faulty medical devices may actually be the greatest cause for concern. Why? Because these types of devices are specifically designed and marketed as something that will enhance or stabilize a person’s health, not cause injuries or death.

Our readers may have seen news coverage about some of the more common cases that involve faulty medical devices and the ensuing lawsuits that came about as a result of injuries or deaths attributed to the devices. For example, there are many active cases around the country that focus on «vaginal mesh» devices, which have been implanted in thousands of women, but have caused some significant health problems. Metal hip replacement devices have also been the subject of lawsuits in many different states, as these devices are alleged to cause more problems than solutions.

Pursuing a products liability claim based on faulty medical devices isn’t the same as pursuing the same type of case based on other consumer goods. There is likely to be a significant amount of highly-technical medical terms involved in the case, which can be confusing for fact-finders. Anyone in the greater Chicago area who believes they may have a valid legal claim based on a faulty medical device may benefit from getting more information about their options.


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