Having a baby is one of the most exciting yet challenging experiences of a lifetime. Whether you’re expecting your first child or have already navigated pregnancy, labor and delivery several times before, you no doubt understand how unique every pregnancy is. Maybe you have not had morning sickness but have a friend who can barely leave home because of it.

An issue that complicates one woman’s pregnancy may not even be a concern for another. This is one of many reasons it pays to stay closely connected to your obstetrician or midwife and medical team. You can trust your care provider to closely monitor your and your baby’s condition, and to know if there’s a problem, such as those that might warrant a C-section delivery.

Medical issues that often necessitate Cesarean deliveries

It’s important that your doctor or midwife discuss issues with you, such as whether you might need to have a C-section birth. Close monitoring is necessary because you and your baby might be fine, then have an unexpected issue arise that changes everything. The following list includes numerous medical issues that would make a C-section delivery the best option for keeping you and your child safe:

  • You’ve been in labor for a long time, and it is not progressing.
  • Your baby is not in a head-first position.
  • Your baby isn’t getting enough oxygen.
  • You have gestational diabetes or another health condition that poses a risk for vaginal delivery complications.
  • The umbilical cord has slipped through the cervix before the baby. This is an emergency situation.
  • Your pelvis is too small, or child’s head too large to deliver vaginally.

There are other reasons that would be medical cause for having a C-section, as well. If you are considering having an elective C-section delivery, it is best to thoroughly research the risks, and to discuss all possibilities with your physician ahead of time.

If you or your child suffer a birth injury

Unless you have a background in obstetrics, you’re not responsible for knowing the signs of maternal or fetal distress, but your doctor or midwife is. If someone is negligent, and you or your infant suffer a birth injury, it turns what should have been a joyful time in your life into a tragic situation. No mom or baby should ever suffer injury because of substandard care.

It’s important that you connect with a patient advocate and other support networks that can help you and your child get the treatment and care you deserve if you have suffered injury because of medical negligence.


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