Wise Law Offices LLC

Proudly Sponsors

Women's Bar Association of Illinois (WBAI) 18th Annual Golf Outing

Noted Chicago plaintiffs' law firm Wise Law Offices LLC was a Golden Tee sponsor of the Women's Bar Association of Illinois (WBAI) 18th Annual Golf Outing on Thursday, August 15, 2013. This year's outing took place at the Willow Crest Golf Course at the Oak Brook Hills Marriott Resort.

The mission of the Women's Bar Association of Illinois is to promote and foster, advance and protect the interests and welfare of women lawyers; to encourage a spirit of friendship and mutual helpfulness among its members; to aid in the enactment of legislation for the common good and the administration of justice; and to promote and protect the interests and the rights of women.

Their support of the WBAI exemplifies how the partners of Wise Law Offices LLC are deeply involved in advancing the legal profession in Illinois as part of their overall commitment to professional and community involvement.


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