When you go to your Illinois doctor, you probably assume that you will receive quality medical care. You think the doctor will provide you with the right diagnosis and set you up with the appropriate care plan. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Sometimes, doctors make mistakes, and patients end up suffering physical, emotional and financial harm. 

If you suffered an injury after going to the doctor, you could be the victim of medical malpractice. Many malpractice incidents are the result of the mistakes that are entirely preventable with better safety practices and other steps. If you believe you are a victim, you may find it beneficial to take quick action to find out what legal options may be available to you.

Simple ways to avoid costly errors

Most hospitals and medical practices have strategies in place intended to protect patient care and minimize the chance of litigation. However, many of these systems are not effective or they do not do enough to reduce the chance of a medical error. There are some ways your doctors can improve safety and patient care, including some of the following: 

  • Develop ways to double check doctors’ blind spots, such as integration with various experts in the health care process. This may include double checking diagnoses with other doctors to reduce the chance that the first doctor missed something.
  • Improving communication in patient transfers can make the difference between life and death. If you are moving from a hospital to a care facility or at-home care, proper communication about your needs and care requirements is critical.
  • Infection control is a crucial element of patient care. Hospitals and medical facilities should follow standards set in place by the CDC regarding disinfection and controlling infection risk after a procedure.

These suggestions represent a few ways that doctors, health care organizations and clinicians can reduce the chance of a medical mistake costing a patient his or her health. Patient care should always be the main priority at every step, from initial diagnosis to post-surgical care.

If you believe you are the victim of a preventable medical mistake, you do not have to suffer alone or in silence. You have the right to seek to hold liable parties accountable and secure compensation through a medical malpractice claim. You may want to speak about the specific options available to you through the civil justice system with an experienced attorney.


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