Medical malpractice resources serve as an important protection for victims. Greater than 4,000 preventable medical errors occur in surgery every year. These are referred to as never events because they should not take place. Fortunately, medical malpractice legal resources are available to help victims and their families with the aftermath of medical negligence and a medical error.

Medical errors result in injuries 59% of the time, deaths 6.6% of the time and permanent injuries 33% of the time. These types of errors include leaving a foreign object in a patient’s body; performing the wrong procedure on a patient; or operating on the wrong site of the patient’s body. Researchers estimated that on a weekly basis foreign objects were left in a patient 39 times, that the wrong procedure was performed on a patient 20 times and patients were operated on in the wrong area of their body 20 times.

Medical malpractice legal resources can help victims recover compensation for their physical, financial and emotional damages when they have suffered a medical error or never event. They may be able to recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering damages after being the victim of a medical error. Medical care professionals including doctors, nursing, hospitals and others may all be liable for medical malpractice depending on the circumstances.

It is helpful for victims of medical malpractice and their families to be familiar with the legal remedies that can help them through the aftermath of a wrong-site surgery or other serious medical error. Victims may face a challenging road ahead and recovery process which is why they should be familiar with the legal options available to help them.


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