A rear-end collision in Illinois can result in serious injuries or death. In some accidents, the vehicle is totaled and unrepairable. It’s important to decide who was at fault and determine who must pay for the damages. There are several tips to assist drivers as they determine liability after a rear-end collision.

Who is at fault?

Deciding who is liable for motor vehicle accidents is not always straightforward. The driver who you think is liable may not be. You may have crashed into another driver’s rear end, but his or her car may have been illegally operated with broken brake light.

Liability is not 100% guaranteed

In most cases, it’s easy to determine liability for rear-end collisions. A stationary driver is waiting at a stoplight or sign and then is hit by a speeding driver who fails to brake in time and crashes into the rear end. The negligent driving caused by the speeding driver is often the cause, but this is not always the case.

If the car’s brake light fails to light up, and the driver rear-ends the car, the driver who failed to repair the brake light may be at fault. In some accidents, the driver brakes too quickly or pulls too closely in front of another vehicle, and within seconds, which results in a rear-end collision. The driver who failed to give the other driver enough time and space to stop may be at fault.

What next after a collision?

There are all kinds of reasons for why rear-end collisions occur. However, liability is not easy to determine in at least half of all cases. A lawyer, police officer or auto insurance representative are a few professionals to contact to help you analyze the situation carefully and decide who is at fault for your accident.


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