If you’ve been in a car accident in Illinois, seeking an insurance settlement can help you do things like buy a new car or pay some of your medical bills. However, it isn’t always in your best interest to accept a settlement. Many insurance companies will offer accident victims as little as possible so that they don’t take a huge financial loss. If you get offered a settlement that you don’t think is fair, there is something that you can do about it. This is what you need to know about rejecting an insurance settlement after an accident.

Put it in writing

You should have a general idea as to how much you would like the settlement to be after your car accident. You should factor things in like the estimated repairs or even a replacement of your car as well as things like any time you had to miss from work and compensation for medical treatment that you received. If they offer you an amount that you don’t think is enough, you should decline it by putting it in writing. Write a letter that has details about your loss and what occurred after your car accident. Let them know how much you would like to receive, and make sure you include any documents that you have to support this amount as well.

Negotiating with them

It isn’t uncommon for individuals to decline settlements after car accidents. The insurance company will call you to get further information from you, and they may present a counteroffer as well.

Don’t feel forced to take a settlement that won’t cover your financial losses. If you’ve been in a car accident, you may need to seek legal counsel if the other party’s insurance company doesn’t offer you a settlement that you think is fair.


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