When you go in for surgery, you place a tremendous amount of trust in the hands of your medical team. While most surgical procedures occur without incident, errors can happen. Some surgical errors might be signs of medical malpractice, suggesting a deviation from accepted standards of care.

Look at some common types of surgical errors that could be signs of medical malpractice.

Unintended injuries during surgery

Surgeons must be precise and cautious, but sometimes, mistakes can occur. If a surgeon inadvertently injures an organ, nerve or tissue during surgery, it could be a sign of negligence. Particularly, when the damage is severe or avoidable, it could be a deviation from standard care practices.

Wrong site, procedure or patient errors

While it may seem unthinkable, there are cases where surgeons operate on the wrong body part, perform the wrong procedure or even operate on the wrong patient. These errors are entirely preventable and can lead to serious harm. These are clear signs of medical malpractice.

Anesthesia errors

Anesthesiologists have the crucial role of ensuring patients are properly sedated and pain-free during surgery. However, errors can occur, such as giving too much or too little anesthesia. Such errors can lead to significant harm, such as brain damage or even death.

Leaving surgical instruments inside the patient

In the hustle and bustle of the operating room, surgical tools can sometimes remain inside the patient. These mistakes can cause severe complications like infection, pain and further surgery to remove the object. This type of error is typically considered medical malpractice.

Post-surgical infections

Infections can occur after surgery if the surgical team does not adhere to strict hygiene and sterilization procedures. While not all post-surgical infections are due to negligence, some can point to poor practices in maintaining a sterile environment.

Surgical errors can be serious and may indicate medical malpractice. If you suspect that you or a loved one has been the victim of a surgical error, it is crucial to gather as much information as possible. Keep meticulous records of all medical interactions and treatments.


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