Despite the joys of motor vehicles, there is always a risk. Even if you are militant about following safety procedures, operator danger remains.

An irresponsible driver could hit you. A manufacturing error could be lurking within the gears. Fires are possible under both scenarios. Regardless of the cause, a roadside inferno can result in severe injury or even death.

What triggers a vehicle fire

Cars have differing levels of build quality. Those with lower ratings are more likely to have problems that result in a blaze. Both gas and electric vehicles are susceptible. Certain manufacturers are infamous for issuing recalls over fiery flaws.

Sloppy maintenance is another concern. When seals leak or wiring frays, the odds of a fire increase dramatically. Older vehicles further heighten the danger.

Of course, a sudden impact can directly lead to peril. Wrecks sometimes result in pools of flammable fluids; a tiny spark could set an entire car alight.

What stops a vehicle fire

Once a fire develops, you must take action. Pull over to safety and switch off the engine. Demand that every passenger exit and move away at least 100 feet. Dial 911 before doing anything else.

Close car doors to decrease airflow that may be fueling the flames. Refrain from lifting the hood for the same reason.

Conscientious drivers have a fire extinguisher on hand. Make sure the one you pick is easily accessible and comfortable for you to use. Even if one is available, allowing the fire department to do its job is often the wisest decision.

Vehicle blazes are no laughing matter. Educate yourself on the possibility of rides catching fire and know how to react if yours does.


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