Our client was a 39-year-old diabetic who had been born with one kidney. He sought to get another kidney to avoid the need for dialysis. He received a transplant and was released from the hospital five days after the operation. However, the organization that supplied his new kidney already realized it was infected — a condition the hospital's own tests confirmed — and it warned the hospital. Even so, the hospital never contacted our client about the problem, and after three weeks he returned to the hospital feeling ill. After another week, tests confirmed that the infection had spread to his brain. We brought suit against the hospital for this negligent communication failure that left our client, who had been a machinist before he sustained the brain injury, with cognitive issues and memory loss. We secured a $6 million settlement on his behalf, which enabled his mother, with whom he needed to live after his injury, to give him proper care.

$6 Million

O. v. Rush University Medical Center

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