The costs of a brain injury for the victim and their family has to be measured in different ways but can result in physical, financial and emotional harm. In addition to the losses and costs to victims and families, brain injuries also result in costs to communities and society in the form of social services costs and reduced productivity, reduced time at work and reduced earnings.

The personal injury legal process can help with many of the costs associated with a brain injury suffered in a car accident and may be able to help victims recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering damages. Generally, damages are available to help with the physical, financial and emotional costs of a brain injury. Traumatic brain injuries oftentimes have long-term impacts on the victim resulting in estimates that caring for the victim of a severe traumatic brain injury can cost $600,000 to $1.875 million over a lifetime.

In addition, the total costs of acute and rehabilitative care for brain injury victims is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to cost $9 to $10 billion annually in the U.S. The overall costs of traumatic brain injuries in the United States is estimated at $48.3 billion with $31.7 million of that estimated as going towards hospitalization costs. Mild brain injuries may cost $85,000 to treat, while moderate brain injuries may cost $941,000 to treat and severe traumatic brain injuries can cost $3 million to treat.

Victims of traumatic brain injuries and their families may quickly find themselves with a variety of challenges following an unexpected car accident that resulted in a brain injury. As a result, they should be familiar with how personal injury legal options protect them and may be able to help them with some of the costs they have suffered by holding a negligent driver responsible for the car accident accountable.

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