Although there are many people in the Chicago area who have probably been in a car accident before, a serious car accident involving injuries and property damage can be a much more jarring experience than the run-of-the-mill fender-bender. As sad as it is to say, there are hundreds of people on the roads each day who are distracted, uninsured and even perhaps under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These are situations that are ripe for a dangerous car accident to occur.

Injured victims may be able to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in the aftermath of a car accident if they were not at fault. However, in doing so, victims will need to work within the step-by-step process of a personal injury lawsuit if they want to do their best to receive financial compensation.

For starters, the party who caused the accident will need to be identified. This is where the law enforcement investigation of the car accident can be useful. In some instances, such as rear-end collisions, fault is easy to determine. However, there are other circumstances in which fault may be the primary issue of debate in the personal injury case.

Once the personal injury lawsuit is filed, the parties will go through the discovery process, set dates and deadlines relative to a trial and, perhaps, engage in settlement negotiations. At our law firm, we know how to help our clients through this step-by-step process. For more information about how we might be able to help in your case, please visit the car accident overview section of our law firm’s website. Those harmed could obtain compensation for their losses and damages through a legal action.

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